We thank "Supraten" and bank Moldova Agroindbank

Numerous appeals and letters Children's Fund "Speranţa" to assist in the treatment of a critically ill child Maxim Rabovilă responded so far only company "Supraten" and Bank of Moldova Agroindbank.
Republican Children's Fund "Speranţa" expresses heartfelt gratitude "Supraten" and bank Moldova Agroindbank for their financial support to the family Rabovilă to treat their son, Maxim, which require expensive and prolonged treatment. Company...
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Fundaţia Republicană pentru copii "Speranţa" multumeşte companiei ”INVISE CENTRU” în persoana directorului d-lui Rotari Dumitru pentru ajutorul gratuit în acordarea hainelor precum şi a pătuțurilor pentru copiii de la creşa - gradiniţa de copii „Ghiocel” din oraşul Străşeni.
Foundation for Children " Speranţa " thanks the company " INVISE CENTRU " in the person of Mr. Dumitru Rotari for free help in...
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Thanks "Aridon"

Over 20 years, the company is a leading ARIDON and successfully developing company that is constantly working towards attracting interest on the Moldovan market brands. Company, showing not only in words but in fact high social responsibility of the company - an important component of a successful business, quickly responded to the treatment of children's fund to help the children Societăţii Orbilor Criuleni district.
Republican Children's Fund "Speranţa" expresses...
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Thanks «Mobil-Top»

Promptly responded to our letter about helping Lebedev large family living in the area Cupcini Edinets company «Mobil-Top» SRL. Company «Mobil-Top» is known as a highly professional team, which has extensive experience in producing high quality and reliable furniture. Due to the high professionalism of the company's staff, social responsibility and high eight children today to provide high quality and very necessary for them to furniture (now...
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