
The Republic's Foundation "Speranta" for children of Republic Moldova

By Helping the children today, we create our future
International Childrens Day
image The Republican Foundation for Children's Songs " Speranța " at the invitation of the Russian Children's Fund organized a trip for children from Moldova to Moscow at the International Children's Day from May 29 to June 2, 2017. We thank the representatives of the Russian Children's Foundation For the high level of organization of the event, starting with the guests' welcome, accommodation, service, fun activities, excursions and of course the departure. 10...

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Charity Event
image In February 2017, the Republican Children's Fund "Sperance" held a charitable action to help four large families living in rural areas. For these families, household electrical goods were bought and delivered for a total of 20436 lei (one thousand euros). For a large family from the village of Dolinnoe, the district of Criuleni, in which eight children are brought up, a washing machine and an electric oven were purchased; A large family with six children from...

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"Convoy of Christmas gifts" continues
image December 20 at the Christmas matinee students Chişinău Lyceum for visually impaired children received gifts from the children's fund "Speranţa" and from our partner - the German association "Kinder Helfen Kindern", and December 23 Children's Fund presents pleased impaired children enrolled in a special school №12.

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On the eve of Christmas
image The Republic's Foundation "Speranţa" for Children  in the run up to Christmas spent 5 December charity event within the "Convoy of Christmas gifts" for children in the boarding schools №5 and  №6 in Chisinau. The event program: clowns and, of course, gifts to each child, where are toys, sweets, school supplies and clothing. The general partner of the event is the German association "Kinder Helfen Kindern", the information partner - site...

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International Children's Day
image From 29 May to 2 June, 2016, eight students of the Chisinau boarding school №3, took part in the celebration of the International Children's Day in Moscow. This trip was organized in the framework of cooperation of the Republican Children's Fund "Speranţa" with the International Association of Children's Fund. More than eleven thousand children came to Moscow from the regions of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, South Ossetia, Abkhazia,...

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